Application of an Analytical Frame for Armed Conflicts: A Comparison of the Cases of Burundi and the Central African Republic

Research output: Working paper

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The present working paper aims to design and test the feasibility of an analytical frame for armed conflicts. The introduction presents a methodological discussion through which the author justifies the sig-nificance of the presented analytical structure. The first part unfolds in detail the dimensions, variables and categories of the analytical frame, which include the conflict precedents, the nature of the conflict itself and a third dimension that embraces the (ongoing) conflict res-olution stage. The second part tests the feasibility of the analytical structure through the comparison of two specific cases that have expe-rienced armed conflicts in the recent times: Burundi and the Central African Republic. Upon this comparative analysis, the author sheds light on shared conflict-related dynamics. Finally, the working paper highlights the usability of the presented analytical frame and poses methodological challenges for further discussion.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInstitut Català Internacional per la Pau
Number of pages57
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2016

Publication series

NameICIP Working Papers
ISSN (Print)2014-5793


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