Are there only 30 p nuclei?

I. Dillmann, Franz Käppeler, Thomas Rauscher, F. K. Thielemann, Roberto Gallino, Sara Bisterzo

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


We have performed p-process simulations with the most recent stellar (n,γ) cross sections from the "Karlsruhe Astrophysical Database of Nucleosynthesis in Stars" project (version v0.2, The simulations were carried out with a parametrized supernova type II shock front model ("γ process") of a 25 solar mass star. The four isotopes 113In, 115Sn, 152Gd, and 164Er were not produced in these simulations, consistent with prior findings. Whereas for 152Gd and 164Er large s-process contributions were found, the origin of the observed solar 113In and 115Sn abundance is still under discussion.

Original languageEnglish
JournalProceedings of Science
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2008 - Mackinac Island, MI, United States
Duration: 27 Jul 20081 Aug 2008


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