Atomic lines in infrared spectra for ultracool dwarfs

Y. Lyubchik, H.R.A. Jones, Y. Pavlenko, S. Viti, J.C. Pickering, R.J. Blackwell-Whitehead

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We provide a set of atomic lines which are suitable for the description of ultracool dwarf spectra from 10 000 to 25 000 Å. This atomic linelist was made using both synthetic spectra calculations and existing atlases of infrared spectra of Arcturus and Sunspot umbra. We present plots which show the comparison of synthetic spectra and observed Arcturus and Sunspot umbral spectra for all atomic lines likely to be observable in high resolution infrared spectra.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)655-659
JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2004


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