Author Correction: Studying temperature’s impact on Brassica napus resistance to identify key regulatory mechanisms using comparative metabolomics (Scientific Reports, (2024), 14, 1, (19865), 10.1038/s41598-024-68345-3)

Zahra Amjadi, Habiballah Hamzehzarghani, Víctor Manuel Rodriguez, Yong-Ju Huang, Farideh Farahbakhsh

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Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 27 August 2024 The original version of this Article contained an error in the Author Contributions section. “H. Hamzehzarghani contributed in conceptualization, methodology, and visualization of the investigation, defining the general hypothesis, designing the experiments based on the hypothesis, supervising the research project throughout, analyzing and interpreting the results, administering the chemical and statistical analysis and writing the original draft of the main manuscript and revising, reviewing and/or editing of the text. Z. Amjadi performed the research throughout her Ph.D. project, contributed in analyzing the results, the chemical and statistical analysis, as well as revising, reviewing and editing of the text. V.M. Rodriguez helped us with resources and hyphenated instrumentation by providing UPLC-QTOF/MSm methodology, and formal analysis. Y. Huang helped with methodology and providing resources [two canola cultivars (Drakkar—susceptible without any resistance genes and Excel- resistant carrying the resistance gene Rlm7) and one Lm isolate EM24, which possesses three known effectors (AvrLm1, AvrLm6, and AvrLm7)]. F. Farahbakhsh helped with chemical and statistical analysis.” now reads: “H. Hamzehzarghani contributed in conceptualization, methodology, and visualization of the investigation, defining the general hypothesis, designing the experiments based on the hypothesis, supervising the research project throughout, analyzing and interpreting the results, administering the chemical and statistical analysis and writing the original draft of the main manuscript and revising, reviewing and/or editing of the text. Z. Amjadi performed the research throughout her Ph.D. project, contributed in analyzing the results, the chemical and statistical analysis, as well as revising, reviewing and editing of the text. V.M. Rodriguez helped us with resources and hyphenated instrumentation by providing UPLC-QTOF/MSm methodology, and formal analysis. Y. Huang helped with methodology and providing resources [two canola cultivars (Drakkar and Excel) and one LM isolate EM24], revising and editing the text. F. Farahbakhsh helped with chemical and statistical analysis.” The original Article has been corrected.

Original languageEnglish
Article number23326
Number of pages2
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Early online date7 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2024


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