Between Discipline and a Hard Place: The Value of Contemporary Art

Alana Jelinek

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Between Discipline and a Hard Place: The Value of Contemporary Art is a monograph published in Auguest 2020 by Bloomsbury Academic. It is comprised of nine inter-connected essays that together address the question of the definition of art and the role and value of art in society. The book ends with an essay proposing a new and different way of understanding art in relation to other aspects of culture by employing ecological metaphors of community, population and biomes. The book includes chapter précis at the start of each chapter and 15 commissioned illustrations to help all readers access the ideas proposed. The illustrator, Suzanne van Rossenberg, also provides her own critique of the text.
The book develops ideas made in 'This is Not Art: Activism and Other Not Art' (IB Tauris 2013) and deepens the arguments made there. It is written as a theory of art by an artist for fellow practitioners and is an attempt at defining a specific field of knowledge, that is, the type of knowledge that artists produce.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Number of pages244
ISBN (Electronic)9781350100497
ISBN (Print)1350100498
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


  • art theory
  • art history
  • anthropology of art
  • philosophy of art


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