Breaking into the epistemological problems of research

Michael Biggs, Daniela Buchler

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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We claim that researchers in different disciplines operate in different research paradigms owint to different worldviews. A worldview is determined by a set of foundational beliefs that are taken on faith, and a research paradigm is defined by axioms and assumptions that are a consequence of that worldview. For example, the scientific view of the world is that it exists independently from the individual and the individual's thoughts about it; and it is possible to find out objective facts about the world by following certain procedures. This worldview conditions a research paradigm with an ontology of a real external world; that methodologically the data that is collected in procedurally appropriate ways will yield objective facts about that world; and that epistemologically the research stands in a disengaged relation to the world she is investigating. The procedures that are regarded as appropriate within a particular research paradigm form the research models that are acceptable in that paradigm, and these research models determine what one should do in order to extend knowledge in a particular subject. Of course, the scientific worldview is not the only one, and this paper will contrast it to the arts worldview as indicating the emergence of a unique research paradigm.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProcs of the Int Conf on the Expression of Subjectivity in the Performing Arts
Subtitle of host publicationCEPA 2008
Place of PublicationValencia
PublisherUniversity of Valencia
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventInt Conf on the Expression of Subjectivity in the Performing Arts - Valencia, Spain
Duration: 23 Nov 200826 Nov 2008


ConferenceInt Conf on the Expression of Subjectivity in the Performing Arts


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