Building a Digital Forensic Laboratory: Establishing and Managing a Successful Facility

Andrew Jones, Craig Valli

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    The need to professionally and successfully conduct computer forensic investigations of incidents and crimes has never been greater. This has caused an increased requirement for information about the creation and management of computer forensic laboratories and the investigations themselves. This includes a great need for information on how to cost-effectively establish and manage a computer forensics laboratory. This book meets that need: a clearly written, non-technical book on the topic of computer forensics with emphasis on the establishment and management of a computer forensics laboratory and its subsequent support to successfully conducting computer-related crime investigations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUSA
    Number of pages312
    Edition1 st
    ISBN (Electronic)9780080949536
    ISBN (Print)9781856175104
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2008


    • Digital forensics


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