CABLE: an approach to embedding blended learning in the curricula and across the institution

I. Anderson, P. Bullen, J. Alltree, H. Thornton

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The CABLE project developed a local process based on the Change Academy model in order to bring about significant curricular and structural change at the University of Hertfordshire, specifically to embed blended learning within the Academic Schools. Teams from six academic schools were selected to take part in the Change Academy for Blended Learning Enhancement (CABLE) scheme in 2006. The aim was to enhance the leadership and change management skills of 50 academic staff in order to effect sustainable change in curriculum design and to enable the staff to become change agents for further blended learning curriculum enhancement. Key outcomes from CABLE were the embedding of blended learning in six Academic School strategic business plans and an increased use of blended learning within academic programmes. The paper summarises the CABLE process and its outcomes, and evaluates its effectiveness. Participants including students have formed a thriving community in which good practice and transformative change is shared, supported and embedded. These aspects of the project are discussed further in the context of the cultural change required to fully embed changing practice across the institution.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)30-41
JournalReflecting Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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