Cartographies: [for saxophone quartet]

Timothy Blinko (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formComposition


Originality: 'Cartographies' employs a new conceptual model in its rhythmic design. Instead of additive, metric or free rhythmic constructs, rhythmic structures often employ irregularity over a span of several bars combined with regularity through the repetition of this structure. Hence opening time signatures of: 6:8; 5:8; 4:8; 6:8; 5:8; 4:8 etc. Each bar in the three-bar structure reduces by a quaver (6 to 5 to 4), creating a perceptible intensification of rhythmic energy. This is the rhythmic equivalent of the interchord structures used in the piece 'A New Song.' Stylistically, 'Cartographies' takes further new steps, with post-minimalist cells and textures combined with faster event-change and greater harmonic direction and functionality than previous work in this genre. A redefinition of postminimalism.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLucerne, Switzerland
Media of outputCD
Publication statusPublished - 29 Aug 2013


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