Central Star Formation in Early-type Galaxy I Zw 81 in the Bootes Void

Divya Pandey, Kanak Saha, Ananta C. Pradhan, Sugata Kaviraj

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The origin of star formation in customarily passively evolving early-type massive galaxies is poorly understood. We present a case study of a massive galaxy, I Zw 81, inside the Bootes void. The void galaxy is known to host active galactic nuclei (AGN). Our detailed 2D decomposition of the surface brightness distribution in the Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) g and r bands revealed multiple structural components such as a nuclear point source, a bar, a ring, and an inner exponential disk followed by an outer low surface brightness disk. I Zw 81 turns out to be a disk-dominated galaxy with lenticular morphology. The modeling of the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution shows that the galaxy is star-forming (SF), and belongs to the blue cloud. We find that the optical (g−r) color of the bar is bluer than the disks, and the far- and near-ultraviolet emission inside the galaxy observed with Imaging Telescope onboard AstroSat is concentrated in the central few kpc region enclosing the bar. The strong bar might be playing a pivotal role in driving the gas inflow and causing SF activity in tandem with the minor merger-like interactions as evident from the deep CFHT data. The low-luminosity AGN is insufficient to quench the central SF. The results are peculiar from the standpoint of a massive barred lenticular galaxy.
Original languageEnglish
Article number128
Number of pages12
JournalThe Astrophysical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 16 Dec 2022


  • 310
  • Galaxies and Cosmology


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