Changing practice in Malaysian primary schools: learning from student teachers’ reports of using action, reflection and modelling (ARM)

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Curricular and pedagogical reforms are complex inter-linked processes such that curricular reform can only be enacted through teachers teaching differently. This article reports the perspective of emergent Malaysian primary teachers who were expected to implement a Government reform that promoted active learning. The 120 student teachers were members of a single cohort completing a new B.Ed. degree programme in Primary Mathematics designed by teacher educators from Malaysia and the UK. They were taught to use a tripartite pedagogical framework involving action or active learning, supported in practice through reflection and modelling. Drawing on findings from surveys carried out with the student teachers at the end of their first and final placements this article examines evidence for the premise that the student teachers were teaching differently; illustrates how they reported using active learning strategies; and identifies factors that enabled and constrained pedagogic change in the primary classroom. The students’ accounts of using action, reflection and modelling are critiqued in order to learn about changing learning and teaching practice and to contribute to understanding teacher education and early teacher development. The students’ reports suggest diversity of understanding that emphasises the need to challenge assumptions when working internationally and within national and local cultures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)194-211
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Education for Teaching
Issue number2
Early online date1 Feb 2018
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2018


  • Action, reflection, modelling (ARM)
  • Malaysia
  • changing practice
  • student teacher


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