Code analysis for temporal predictability

J. Gustafsson, B. Lisper, Raimund Kirner, P. Puschner

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The execution time of software for hard real-time systems must be predictable. Further, safe and not overly pessimistic bounds for the worst-case execution time (WCET) must be computable. We conceived a programming strategy called WCET-oriented programming and a code transformation strategy, the single-path conversion, that aid programmers in producing code that meets these requirements. These strategies avoid and eliminate input-data dependencies in the code. The paper describes the formal analysis, based on abstract interpretation, that identifies input-data dependencies in the code and thus forms the basis for the strategies provided for hard real-time code development.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)253-277
Number of pages25
JournalReal-Time systems
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2006


  • worst-case execution time analysis
  • real-time languages
  • compiler optimizations
  • code transformation
  • abstract interpretation
  • graph transformation


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