Combined multi-body dynamic and FE models of human head and neck

Volkan Esat, David W. Van Lopik, Memis Acar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


A complete three-dimensional multi-body dynamic computational model of the human head and neck has been developed and validated using human volunteer experimental data. The complete head-neck model has been used to simulate 15g frontal and 8.5g rear-end impacts with the resulting motion compared against response corridors derived from sled acceleration tests using human volunteers. This paper reports an original work, a further development of the model that incorporates a finite element analysis of the intervertebral discs subjected to the loading conditions determined by the multi-body dynamic model of the head and neck complex.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIUTAM Symposium on Impact Biomechanics
Subtitle of host publicationFrom Fundamental Insights to Applications
PublisherSpringer Nature
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)1402037953, 9781402037955
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes
EventIUTAM Symposium on Impact Biomechanics: From Fundamental Insights to Applications - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 1 Jul 20051 Jul 2005

Publication series

NameSolid Mechanics and its Applications
ISSN (Print)1875-3507


ConferenceIUTAM Symposium on Impact Biomechanics: From Fundamental Insights to Applications


  • Cervical spine
  • Finite Element Method (FEM)
  • Frontal impact
  • Multi-body model
  • Rear-end impact


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