Comparison of experimental and calculated S-factors of the p-process reaction Sm-144(alpha,gamma)Gd-148

E. Somorjai, Zs. Fulop, A.Z. Kiss, C.E. Rolfs, H.P. Trautvetter, U. Greife, M. Junker, S. Goriely, M. Arnould, M. Rayet, T. Rauscher, H. Oberhummer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The cross section of the Sm-144(alpha,gamma)Gd-148 reaction has been measured at bombarding energies in the 10.5 - 13.4 MeV range using an activation method based on the off-line alpha-activity measurement of the Gd-148 residual nucleus. The long measuring time of the alpha-decay has required the use of etched track detectors. The resulting cross sections and astrophysical S-factors are compared to new statistical model (Hauser-Feshbach) calculations. The experimental data are strongly overestimated by calculations using global alpha - nucleus optical potentials. The calculated values with potential derived from Sm-144+alpha scattering experiment at E-lab=20 MeV are in good agreement with the experimental results at energies E(cm)greater than or equal to 11.5 MeV, however, largely deviate at lower energies. A fitted Woods-Saxon optical potential, describing remarkably well the experimental data in the whole energy region, clearly indicates a strong energy-dependence of the alpha-nucleus potential.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStellar Evolution, Stellar Explosions and Galactic Chemical Evolution
EditorsA. Mezzacappa
Place of PublicationBristol
PublisherIOP Publishing Ltd.
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)0-7503-0555-X
Publication statusPublished - 1998
Event2nd Oak Ridge Symposium on Atomic and Nuclear Astrophysics - OAK RIDGE, Tunisia
Duration: 2 Dec 19976 Dec 1997


Conference2nd Oak Ridge Symposium on Atomic and Nuclear Astrophysics


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