Complementary methods for monitoring sugar beet aphids to improve risk management of virus yellows

Richard Harrington, Michael Stevens, Lucy Mary Alderson, D Cox, Ian Denholm, S. Foster, M. Hall, P Hallsworth, Linda Oliphant, S Parker, C Shorthall, M Taylor, S Wright

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


For many years the UK sugar beet industry has contributed to the funding of aphid monitoring in return for relevant information on the aphid vectors of viruses causing sugar beet yellows disease. This paper describes the two
monitoring systems used and the application of data obtained. A network of suction traps provides data on the phenology and abundance of vector aphids on a regional basis. Yellow water traps give an indication of the degree of variability
within a region and may eventually make it possible to link aphid incidence to field characteristics. Relationships between suction trap data and meteorological data enable provision of forecasts of aphid phenology and abundance, and of virus incidence, but not in time to influence the use of insecticide-treated seed. Individual Myzus persicae (Sulzer) from the suction traps are assayed for three insecticide-resistance mechanisms and for the presence of Beet mild yellowing virus. Latest methods used in these assessments are outlined. The information is collated into a package of advice to growers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-217
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2009


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