Complexity - a key idea for business and society

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This book interprets insights from the complexity sciences
to explore seven types of complexity better to understand
the predictable unpredictability of social life. Drawing on
the natural and social sciences, it describes how complexity
models are helpful, but insufficient for our understanding
of complex reality. This book will be of interest to
researchers, professionals, academics and students in the
fields of business and management, especially those
interested in how taking complexity seriously can influence
the functioning of businesses and organisations and how
they manage and lead.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLodon
Number of pages180
ISBN (Electronic)978- 1- 003- 00284- 0
ISBN (Print)978- 0- 367- 42568- 5, 978- 0- 367- 42568- 5
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2021


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