
This chapter describes the corrosion mechanisms that are encountered when a self-piercing riveted assembly is subjected to a corrosive environment. The chapter begins with a short introduction and a description of the fundamental theory of the likely corrosion mechanisms for self-piercing riveted joints. This is followed by a description of relevant methods of studying the corrosion behaviour and the results of a study of the corrosion of self-piercing riveted joints between interstitial-free steel and aluminium 5182 as conducted by the author. The chapter ends with a description of the means that are used to minimise or eliminate the corrosion of self-piercing riveted joints.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSelf-Piercing Riveting
Subtitle of host publicationProperties, Processes and Applications
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9781845695354
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 25 Feb 2014


  • Corrosion mechanisms
  • Self-piercing riveted joints
  • Self-piercing riveting (SPR)


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