Covariant particle statistics and intertwiners of the kappa-deformed Poincare algebra

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To speak about identical particles - bosons or fermions - in quantum field theories with kappa-deformed Poincare symmetry, one must have a kappa-covariant notion of particle exchange. This means constructing intertwiners of the relevant representations of kappa-Poincare. We show, in the simple case of spinless particles, that intertwiners exist, and, supported by a perturbative calculation to third order in 1/kappa, make a conjecture about the existence and uniqueness of a certain preferred intertwiner defining particle exchange in kappa-deformed theories
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)537-549
JournalNuclear Physics B
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2007


  • hep-th


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