Creativity’s Challenge to the Priority of the Subject: Art Makes Visible the Living Intentionality and Deep Ecology of Things: Body, Space and Their Relations

Simeon Lockhart Nelson, Monia Brizzi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The redemption of the world and the resurrection of the concrete human being beg for a return of significance from the controlling instrumentality of the subject to the nourishing relational activity of public objects that, by offering the material conditions for our factical bodily reality, substantiates and gives worldly materiality to our existence in the first place.
We propose that the dehumanising inflation of subjectivity and the substance conception of lived experience that limits it to the experience of the experiencing subject are disorders of creativity and aesthetics.
Simeon Nelson’s artworks will enrich our discursively mediated representation of the substantiation of felt experience with the sensorial and immediate presentation of their pathic qualities. These address and offer themselves to us as active invitations to respond and reciprocally address them in return through particular types of subjectivity.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Aug 2013
EventThe 32nd International Human Science Research Conference - Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 13 Aug 201316 Aug 2017


ConferenceThe 32nd International Human Science Research Conference
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