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This memorandum describes thoughts around value-added services and use cases associated with decarbonising the Uno bus fleet. Public transport is a key issue for the UK. In April 2021, following the coronavirus emergency, the Government gave their views on the future of buses in a report entitled “Bus Back Better”. Naturally, buses play a critical part of a carefully managed overall transport system but much of this involves dedicated lanes and similar measures which do not require major attention from the R&D community.
Air pollution from traffic fumes has long affected public health. In particular, diesel exhausts are known to cause respiratory problems and even deaths attributed to them. So it is natural for young people to be concerned about this, and any action to improve matters with transport decarbonisation likely to meet with their approval. Indeed, students and other members of the university might like to take a more direct role as projects which form part of their undergraduate or postgraduate studies. Ideas contained in this memorandum are intended to harness this intellectual energy through project-based activity and skills development in key technologies linked to decarbonisation.
Our approach to this challenge is treat this opportunity as a series of engineering problems which can be solved by embracing technical innovation and creativity. At the same time, with the growth of the ‘internet of things’ (IoT) boundaries are becoming very blurred and we positively welcome cross-disciplinary projects which exploit new or existing technologies where there may be significant levels of technical uncertainty. This is very much a Chartered Engineer’s (CEng) perspective,
Our vision for Uno is to turn it into a state-of-the-art green transport operation. This includes making busses a mobile application platform which provides users with a unique experience whilst travelling on public transport as opposed to using a car.
Although Uno is a separate arms-length commercial business, it remains closely linked to the university which means that there are good channels for communication of these ideas when appropriate. Undertaking collaborative R&D projects in this area provides some unique opportunities for UH to deliver this vision whilst creating well-rounded graduates with the skills needed in growing decarbonised business activity. Being linked to a university, this development can proceed much faster and further than any other transport undertaking could achieve.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusUnpublished - 3 Jan 2023


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