Design of a hybrid fuel cell system for an unmmaned aerial vehicle - Evaluation of performance of H2 storage solutions and their system integration

Christos Kalyvas, Zayd Aslam, Adrian Felix

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This work focuses on the design of a hybrid PEM fuel cell solution for an unmmaned aerial vehicle (UAV). A hydrogen fuel cell can provide extended operation, low emissions, and a highly efficient way of energy storage compared to alternative methods, while an additional energy storage system (Li-ion battery) can be used to assist with UAV’s required transient and higher loads that are not suited to normal fuel cell operation. One of the main challenges when using hydrogen as an energy carrier is the selection of a hydrogen storage method [1], especially so in the application of transport vehicles. As such, a number of hydrogen storage technologies are discussed, and a method of selection for any given application is provided. A sizing-design methodology for a hybrid fuel cell system is proposed and then applied to a case study to demonstrate its implementation.

[1] Cai, Q., Brett, D., Browning D., & Brandon N. (2010). J. of Power Sources 195: 6559-6569.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 13th Panhellenic Scientific Conference in Chemical Engineering
Place of PublicationOnline
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2022


  • PEM Fuel Cell, Hydrogen Storage Technology, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


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