Developing an agent-based simulation model of software evolution

Shallaw Mohammed, Martina Doolan, Paul Wernick, Ed Wakelam

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In attempt to simulate the factors that affect the software evolution behaviour and possibly predict it, several simulation models have been developed recently. The current system dynamic (SD) simulation model of software evolution process was built based on actor-network theory (ANT) of software evolution by using system dynamic environment, which is not a suitable environment to reflect the complexity of ANT theory. In addition the SD model has not been investigated for its ability to represent the real-world process of software evolution.

This paper aims to re-implements the current SD model to an agent-based simulation environment ‘Repast’ and checks the behaviour of the new model compared to the existing SD model. It also aims to investigate the ability of the new Repast model to represent the real-world process of software evolution.

a new agent-based simulation model is developed based on the current SD model's specifications and then tests similar to the previous model tests are conducted in order to perform a comparative evaluation between of these two results. In addition an investigation is carried out through an interview with an expert in software development area to investigate the model's ability to represent real-world process of software evolution.

The Repast model shows more stable behaviour compared with the SD model. Results also found that the evolution health of the software can be calibrated quantitatively and that the new Repast model does have the ability to represent real-world processes of software evolution.

It is concluded that by applying a more suitable simulation environment (agent-based) to represent ANT theory of software evolution, that this new simulation model will show more stable bahaviour compared with the previous SD model; And it will also shows the ability to represent (at least quantatively) the real-world aspect of software evolution.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)126-140
Number of pages15
JournalInformation and Software Technology
Early online date23 Nov 2017
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2018


  • Agent-based simulation modelling
  • Simulation modelling
  • Software evolution
  • System evolution process


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