Development of an Inverted Downdraft Biomass Gasifier Cookstove

S. J. Ojolo, J. I. Orisaleye, Sikiru O. Ismail, A. F. Odutayo

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About eighty percent of Nigerians and sixty percent of Africans live in rural communities most of who utilize biomass for cooking. The benefits of improved cookstoves coupled with the perennial fuel crisis have led to intensified research into the development of the biomass cookstoves. This work aims to develop a biomass cookstove for use in developing countries. The biomass cookstove working with an inverted downdraft gasifier was developed and evaluated at Lagos State University, Nigeria. The biomass used was wood shavings with
bulk density of about 0.05 g/cm3 and with a moisture content of about 19.2% on dry basis and 16.2% on wet basis. The fuel conversion rate is 1.89 kg/h and it has a thermal effeciency of about 10.6%. The heating rate of the biomass cookstove was higher than the kerosene stove but less than the electric stove. While further work on the cookstove is recommended and proposed, the present and subsequent works can be adapted to suit rural applications where biomass is the major source of fuel but used inefficiently. The biomass cookstove cost $70 for a single unit but can be cheaper when mass produced.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)513-516
JournalJournal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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