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Taking a chronological perspective, the main events and influences on the development of academic research in judo are explained. Jigoro Kano studied styles of jūjutsu and collected together jūjutsu literature, engaging in a process of discussion, exchanging texts and oral teachings, followed by reflection and analysis. This paper demonstrates that early judo developed through research.
The Kōdōkan through the Judokai, produced a monthly journal ‘Judo’ which included a scholarly column on the arts and sciences. This was followed by a new publication, Taisei. Containing topics on strength training and injuries. It could be viewed as one of the first academic journals about judo. From 1922 the regional Kōdōkan Yudansha Association were established and were required to create a Research Division and a Council. The Research Division remit was to report
findings and opinions centrally. Later the inaugural meeting of the Kōdōkan Judo Medical Research Group was attended by 9 doctors, the group still exists as the Kōdōkan Judo Scientific Research Group.
The creation of various judo related journals is charted. European research initiatives are outlined including the British Judo Association Technical Conferences, the founding of the European Society for the Scientific Study of Judo in
France, the European Judo Union Science of Judo Poster Exhibitions, and the Scientific and Professional Conference on Judo created in Croatia. Further international initiatives outlined include; the first International Science of Judo Symposium
in 1999, the International Association of Judo Researchers (IAJR) formation in 2007, and the IJF journal to be launched in 2020.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)30-34
Number of pages4
JournalThe Arts and Sciences of Judo (ASJ)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 23 Apr 2021


  • judo, history, Jigoro Kano, research, science


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