
Aim: To investigate dielectrophoresis as a mechanism for collection of bioaerosols.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 2024
EventAerosols and Microbiology: Connecting Disciplines in the Post-Pandemic Era - Wessex Suite and Ballroom| Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel, Bristol, United Kingdom
Duration: 4 Jun 20246 Jun 2024


ConferenceAerosols and Microbiology: Connecting Disciplines in the Post-Pandemic Era
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
OtherAerosols and microbiology combined sharply during recent pandemics integrating the interfaces of microbiology, aerobiology, atmospheric sciences and aerosol science. The conference seeks to bring multiple disciplines together into one space, at the same time, supporting new collaboration across industry, academia within the UK and abroad setting the aerobiology scene for the future.

The conference spans all aspects of aeromicrobiology to connect public health, agriculture, veterinary and biodefence scientists. Key topics explore characterisation of bioaerosol source, aerosol transport and transmission, detection, control and mitigations (both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical). Promotion of aerobiological standards provides researchers in the field with background knowledge on the microorganisms, and importantly the impact of physical and chemical aspects of aerosol behaviour.
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