Digital Forensics Processing and Procedures: Meeting the Requirements of ISO 17020, ISO 17025, ISO 27001 and Best Practice Requirements

Andrew Jones, David Watson

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    This is the first digital forensics book that covers the complete lifecycle of digital evidence and the chain of custody. This comprehensive handbook includes international procedures, best practices, compliance, and a companion web site with downloadable forms. Written by world-renowned digital forensics experts, this book is a must for any digital forensics lab. It provides anyone who handles digital evidence with a guide to proper procedure throughout the chain of custody--from incident response through analysis in the lab.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages880
    ISBN (Electronic)9781597497459
    ISBN (Print)9781597497428
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Sept 2013


    • ISO 17025
    • procedures


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