
Linseed and flax are the varieties of the same plant (Linum usitatissimum L). When the plants are grown commercially for oilseed purposes, the crop is often referred to as linseed or flax seed or oilseed flax crop. It is only recently some edible grade linseed varieties have been developed. The plants grown commercially for high quality fibres in the stem, the crop is referred to as the fibre flax crop. They are grown all over the world in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate areas covering main countries like Argentina, Canada, Egypt, Ethiopia, former Czechosolovakia and USSR, France, India, Romania, UK and USA.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNew Delhi
PublisherShipra Publications, New Delhi
Number of pages246
ISBN (Print)9788185402956, 8185402957
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1997


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