Does cancer research focus on areas of importance to patients?

Sing Yu Moorcraft, Amrit Sangha, Clare Peckitt, Rodrigo Sanchez, Martin Lee, Natalie Pattison, Theresa Wiseman

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The majority of research ideas are proposed by clinicians or scientists and little is currently known about which areas of research patients feel are important. We performed a 4 week pilot patient survey at the Royal Marsden (a specialist cancer centre) to investigate patients' views on priorities for cancer research. A total of 780 patients completed the survey and the top research priorities were identified as: detection and prevention of cancer, scientific understanding, curative treatment and personalised treatment. The top research priorities were remarkably consistent across age, gender and a variety of tumour types. We believe that patients' views should be considered alongside those of clinicians and researchers when devising research proposals and strategies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)ed51
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jan 2016


  • Journal Article


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