Effect of high-density current electropulsing on corrosion cracking of titanium aluminide intermetallic

Anatolii Babutskyi, Andreas Chrysanthou, Ganna Chyzhyk, Maider G. de Cortazar, Pedro Egizabal, Marija Smelina

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The effect of electropulsing on the corrosion cracking of titanium aluminide produced by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis has been investigated. The electropulsing treatment led to improved corrosion resistance in sodium fluoride solution and also eliminated corrosion cracking at the α2/γ interface during corrosion in a solution of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. This behavior was attributed to thermal and athermal effects resulting from electropulsing and leading to the interaction of conduction electrons with the defect structure. The effect of magnetic field accompanying electropusling on depinning of dislocations also has been discussed. Support for this is provided on the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis and microhardness testing.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1243-1248
Number of pages6
JournalMaterials and Corrosion
Issue number7
Early online date5 Feb 2021
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2021


  • corrosion
  • corrosion cracking
  • electropulsing
  • residual stress
  • titanium aluminide intermetallic


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