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In the UK, fungicides are often used to controlphoma stem canker on winter oilseed rape. Field trialswere established near Boxworth, Cambridgeshire for fourcropping seasons (2011/2012, 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and2014/15) to test the efficacy of a new fungicide mixtureRefinzar® (penthiopyrad + picoxystrobin) by comparisonto an existing fungicide Proline 275® (prothioconazole)against phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria spp.) andthe effect on winter oilseed rape (cv. Catana) yield. Ineach season, weather data were collected from a weatherstation at Boxworth and the release of ascospores wasmonitored using a nearby Burkard spore sampler. Thepatterns of ascospore release differed between seasonsand related to weather conditions. Fungicidespenthiopyrad + picoxystrobin and prothioconazole wereapplied in October/November when 10 % of plants hadphoma leaf spotting (T1, early), 4/8 weeks after T1 (T2,late) or at both T1 and T2 (combined). When phoma leafspot symptoms were assessed in autumn/winter,penthiopyrad + picoxystrobin and prothioconazole bothdecreased numbers of phoma leaf spots caused byL. maculans; there were few leaf spots caused byL. biglobosa. Penthiopyrad + picoxystrobin andprothioconazole both reduced phoma stem canker severitybefore harvest compared to the untreated control butdid not increase yield in these seasons when epidemicswere not severe. In 2013/2014, the presence ofL. maculans and L. biglobosa in upper stem lesions orstem base cankers was determined by species-specificPCR. The proportions of stems with L. maculans DNAwere much greater than those with L. biglobosa DNA forboth upper stem lesions and basal stem cankers. Theseresults suggest that both penthiopyrad + picoxystrobinand prothioconazole can decrease phoma stem cankerseverity on winter oilseed rape in severe disease seasons.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)675-685
Number of pages11
JournalEuropean Journal of Plant Pathology
Issue number3
Early online date5 Apr 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2016


  • phoma stem canker
  • winter oilseed rape
  • Fungicides
  • DMI
  • QoI
  • SDHI


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