Effects of experience on microcomputer use in primary schools: results of a second survey

A.C. Jackson, Ben Fletcher, D.J. Messer

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23 Citations (Scopus)


Following an initial survey of microcomputer use in Hertfordshire primary schools, a second, follow-up survey was conducted two years later to examine how experience had changed attitudes and use. This second survey provided detailed information of microcomputer provision, classroom use, and an analysis of factors which were related to use. As before, the survey was in two parts: an initial questionnaire to collect information from both headteachers and teachers. Some changes were observed across surveys which suggested that teachers would make more innovative use of the microcomputer in the future given sufficient training. As before, children's access was limited, and they mostly used drill and practice-type software in small groups (although child-directed programs were becoming a little more popular). Both surveys indicated that microcomputers offered a focus for cooperative activity which had not been predicted. Interestingly, the type of software mainly used was found to be related to children's cooperative behaviour, and their motivation for work.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)214-226
JournalJournal of Computer Assisted Learning
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1988


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