Effects of Head Rotation and Depth Enhancement in Virtual Reality User-Scene Interaction

Salvatore Livatino, Alessandro Zocco, Yasir Iqbal, Phillip Gainley, Giuseppe Morana, Giovanni Farinella

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Immersive experiences with virtual reality systems are normally connectedto user-scene interaction. The immersive system interpretsmovement commandsand updates its output accordingly. When operating on PC and consolegames, interaction is typically triggered by hand-controllers’ buttons, includingjoysticks.Whenwearing a head-mounted display (HMD), user’s head-position canalso prompt interaction, e.g. viewpoint changes. This is amajor difference betweenoperating on a HMD and on a desktop monitor. Changing observation viewpointthrough head-rotation contributes to the user’s immersion in the observed world,as it comes naturally. However, this may lead to visual disturbances and lossof concentration in some applications, hindering tasks like scene overviewing,especially in complex dynamic environments. The latter would call for joystickuse instead. This paper assesses the use of head-rotation and controller joystickto generate differences in observation viewpoint. Our application context is athree-dimensional dynamic scene where users must identify and discover threatsrepresented by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) entering a protected area. Twodistinct levels of depth enhancements are provided using stereoscopic-3D visualization (S3D). Our focus is to see the effects of the two interaction modalities(head-rotation and joystick) and two S3D levels.We evaluate user performance interms of mission success and action timing, and assess how they relate to learningand memorization. Eye movements are also analyzed to help understand userinteraction patterns and focus of attention.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages146
Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2022
EventExtended Reality, First International Conference, XR Salento 2022 - Hybrid conference, Lecce, Italy
Duration: 6 Jul 20228 Jul 2022
Conference number: 1


ConferenceExtended Reality, First International Conference, XR Salento 2022
Abbreviated titleXR Salento 2022
OtherThe 1st International Conference on eXtended Reality (XR SALENTO 2022) intends to provide a discussion forum for scientists, engineers, educators and students on the latest research, theory, ideas, models and applications of eXtended Reality (XR), a technological umbrella that brings together Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR).
The aim of XR technology is to achieve an extension of the real world by allowing the perception of the surrounding reality in a different and improved way, combining it with virtual elements.
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