Effects of light leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza brassicae) on yield of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus)

H. Su, Bruce D.L. Fitt, S.J. Welham, C.E. Sansford, K.G. Sutherland

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11 Citations (Scopus)


The relationship between development of light leaf spot and yield loss in winter oilseed rape was analysed, initially using data from three experiments at sites near Aberdeen in Scotland in the seasons 1991/92, 1992/93 and 1993/94, respectively. Over the three seasons, single-point models relating yield to Light leaf spot incidence (% plants with leaves with light leaf spot) at GS 3.3 (flower buds visible) generally accounted for more of the variance than single-point models at earlier or later growth stages. Only in 1992/93, when a severe light leaf spot epidemic developed on leaves early in the season, did the single-point model for disease severity on leaves at GS 3.5/4.0 account for more of the variance than that for disease incidence at GS 3.3. In 1991/92 and 1992/3, when reasonably severe epidemics developed on stems, the single-point model for light leaf spot incidence (stems) at GS 6.3 accounted for as much of the variance. Two-point (disease severity at GS 3.3 and GS 4.0) and AUDPC models (disease incidence/severity) accounted for more of the variance than the single-point model based on disease incidence at GS 3.3 in 1992/93 but not in the other two seasons. Therefore, a simple model using the light leaf spot incidence at GS 3.3 (x) as the explanatory variable was selected as a predictive model to estimate % yield loss (y(r)): y(r) = 0.32x - 0.57. This model fitted all three data sets from Scotland. When data sets from Rothamsted, Rosemaund and Thurloxton in England were used to test it, this single-point predictive model generally fitted the data well, except when yield loss was clearly not related to occurrence of light leaf spot. However, the regression lines relating observed yield loss to light leaf spot incidence at GS 3.3 often had smaller slopes than the line produced by the model based on Scottish data.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)371-386
Number of pages16
JournalAnnals of Applied Biology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1998


  • light leaf spot
  • model
  • oilseed rape
  • Pyrenopeziza brassicae
  • yield
  • yield loss


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