
Growth of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides on potato dextrose agar at water potentials from -0.5 to -6.9 MPa was optimal at 20°C. At 12 and 20°C, six isolates of P. herpotrichoides grew more rapidly at -0.5 to -2 MPa than at -6.9 MPa. Wheat plants inoculated with P. herpotrichoides and grown in columns of soil at either 15 or 20°C developed more severe eyespot lesions under a heavy watering regime than under medium or light watering regimes. P. herpotrichoides penetrated leaf sheaths of inoculated plants grown in compost more rapidly at 10°C night/15°C day temperatures than at 5/10°C; death of leaf sheaths was also more rapid and consequently there were fewer living infected leaf sheaths at 10/15°C than at 5/10°C. Irrigating for 5 wk before harvest increased the severity of eyespot lesions in a 1983 wheat crop.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalAnnals of Applied Biology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Aug 1985


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