Embedding research-informed teaching in curriculum delivery and teaching practice

Martha Cahill, Kathryn Young, Lorraine Murray, Susan Murray, Mary Sexton, Rose Parkes, natalie visick

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


A collaborative research project to examine the extent to which research-informed teaching is embedded progressively in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of study was undertaken in a school comprising a range of professional disciplines. The research was conducted collaboratively with academic staff, students and users and carers of the health service. Programme documentation, module documents, teaching resources and virtual learning environment sites were reviewed using a tool developed and piloted in the School. The tool was modelled on the work of Healey and Jenkins (2009) and locally written principles of good practice in research-informed teaching. Individual interviews with academic staff and a focus group interview with students were undertaken to examine the extent to which the research-informed teaching was embedded in curricula and the context of everyday teaching practice.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jun 2018


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