Embodied Robot Models for Interdisciplinary Emotion Research

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Due to their complex nature, emotions cannot be properly understood from the perspective of a single discipline.
In this paper, I discuss how the use of robots as models is beneficial for interdisciplinary emotion research. Addressing this issue through the lens of my own research, I focus on a critical analysis of embodied robots models of different aspects of emotion, relate them to theories in psychology and neuroscience, and provide representative examples. I discuss concrete ways in which embodied robot models can be used to carry out interdisciplinary emotion research, assessing their contributions: as hypothetical models, and as operational models of specific emotional phenomena, of general emotion principles, and of specific emotion ``dimensions''. I conclude by discussing the advantages of using embodied robot models over other models.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Early online date26 Apr 2019
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 Apr 2019


  • robot models of emotions
  • affective cognition
  • affective interaction
  • autonomous robots
  • embodied artificial intelligence
  • human-robot interaction


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