Enhancing Transport Accessibility Using Mobility as a Service Through Partnerships: A United Kingdom Comparative Case Study Approach Within Deregulated Environments

Scott Copsey, Sue Walsh, Richard Southern, Liam Fassam

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how two top tier UK Local Authorities (Hertfordshire and Northamptonshire), their two respective Universities and transport providers have worked in partnership to improve coordination and efficiencies of local transport, which aims to deliver social good through connected value propositions. Supported by the UK Government Department for Transport, a specific objective of this work was to establish smart integrated multi-operator/modal solutions and network efficiencies. Using empirical data provided by these smart technologies, a further objective is to develop new transport business models with wider replicability, initially across the Central England Economic Alliance, consolidating £3bn transport spend.These demonstrators explore how ‘smart’ m-ticketing platforms could provide sustainable financial business models for transport operators within rural Shires, outside of large urban settings. This project is unique, being the first in the UK to use scan-on bus mobile ticket data (outside of London). The project offers both a Quality Partnership and Social Enterprise governance structure approach bringing together local authorities, commercial operators and other stakeholders with an interest in integrated transport to address uneven modalities and reduce CO2, leading to opportunities for new, socially innovative models for procuring and delivering transport solutions.These projects have a wider context as pathfinders through a Social Enterprise model involving local government, universities, transport operators, health and education services, forming the basis for the transformation of integrated sustainable transport delivery and shared on-demand transport through developing the concept of ‘Mobility as a Service’ (MaaS) to provide end to end journeys.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2017
EventAmerican Association of Geographers Annual Conference - Hynes Convention Center, Boston, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Apr 20179 Apr 2017


ConferenceAmerican Association of Geographers Annual Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Transport
  • Accessability
  • Partnerships
  • Deregulated


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