European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI)-Formulating Ideas for Better Medicines for Children.

Smita Salunke , Fang Liu, Hannah Batchelor, Jenny Walsh, Roy Turner, Tzuchi Ju, Catherine Tuleu

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The European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI), founded in 2007, aims to promote and facilitate the preparation of better and safe medicines for children through linking research and information dissemination. It brings together the capabilities of the industry, academics, hospitals, and regulators within a common platform in order to scope the solid understanding of the major issues, which will underpin the progress towards the future of paediatric medicines we want.The EuPFI was formed in parallel to the adoption of regulations within the EU and USA and has served as a community that drives research and dissemination through publications and the organisation of annual conferences. The membership and reach of this group have grown since its inception in 2007 and continue to develop and evolve to meet the continuing needs and ambitions of research into and development of age appropriate medicines. Five diverse workstreams (age-appropriate medicines, Biopharmaceutics, Administration Devices, Excipients and Taste Assessment & Taste Masking (TATM)) direct specific workpackages on behalf of the EuPFI. Furthermore, EuPFI interacts with multiple diverse professional groups across the globe to ensure efficient working in the area of paediatric medicines. Strong commitment and active involvement of all EuPFI stakeholders have proved to be vital to effectively address knowledge gaps related to paediatric medicines, discuss potential areas for further research and identify issues that need more attention and analysis in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)257-262
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Pharmaceutics
Issue number2
Early online date15 Jul 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2017


  • administration devices
  • age appropriate
  • biopharm
  • EuPFI
  • excipients
  • formualtion
  • paediatric
  • taste assessment
  • taste masking


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