Every fraction of a Micro-Sievert counts in PET/CT

Deanna Murray, Vicki Major, D Peet

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

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Radiation dose exposure is extremely important to the mobile PET/CT Health Care Worker. Staff could get larger monthly doses than their contemporaries
working in static sites. This is generally down to wall shielding and a smaller
working area. As a result staff need to work together as a team, follow a system
of work and be very aware of every microsievert when dealing with their patients.
The InHealth staff working on the NHS PET/CT South contract have successfully
reduced their monthly dose exposures through diligence and imagination.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventBritish Nuclear Medicine Society Autumn Meeting - , United Kingdom
Duration: 15 Nov 2010 → …


ConferenceBritish Nuclear Medicine Society Autumn Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Period15/11/10 → …


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