Executive functions in insight versus non-insight problem solving: an individual differences approach

K. Gilhooly, E. Fioratou

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This study investigated the roles of the executive functions of inhibition and switching and of verbal and visuo-spatial working memory capacities in insight and non-insight tasks. Eighteen insight tasks, 10 non-insight tasks and measures of individual differences in working memory capacities, switching and inhibition were administered to 120 participants. Performance on insight problems was not linked with executive functions of inhibition or switching but was linked positively to measures of verbal and visuo-spatial working memory capacities. Non-insight task performance was positively linked to the executive function of switching (but not to inhibition) and to verbal and visuo-spatial working memory capacities. These patterns regarding executive functions were maintained when the insight and non-insight composites were split into verbal and spatial insight and non-insight composite scores. The results are discussed in relation to dual processing accounts of thinking.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)355-376
JournalThinking and Reasoning
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • problem solving
  • executive functions


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