Exhibition of works: Installation of sculpture and video show reel,Tuyap Art Fair 2017 Istanbul 'On theme of Utopia' as member of Rhythm Section Group. Exhibiting sculpture installation 'Utopia 'plus video show reel: Rhythm Complexity','Oculus', 'Wind Hair', 'Land Clearance' and 'Fountain Moon' with paper on 'Utopia'. Also presented collaborative work Wright & Van 't Hoog 'Zip' video.

michael wright (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

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Curated by Ezgi Bakcay
Artists:Anneke Bosma (NL), Karina Bugayova (DE), Christoph Dahlhausen (DE), Iemke van Dijk (NL), Daniel Geiger (DE), Henriëtte van ’t Hoog (NL), Oleksiy Koval (DE), Veronika Wenger (DE), and Michael Wright (GB).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2018


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