Exploring the experiences of minoritised groups at life sciences conferences in the UK: new perspectives and actions to improve inclusivity in the sector

Ireena Dutta, Michelle Bishop, Julian Rayner, Treasa Creavin, Saher Ahmed, Hayley Clissold, Tinu Cornish, Kathlyn Wilson, Ashlee Christoffersen, Janice Prentice, Victor Penda

Research output: Other contribution


Attending and participating in scientific research meetings and conferences is a key mechanism for researchers to share information and knowledge, build networks, and establish relationships and collaborations to support career development. In the UK, researchers from minoritised or underrepresented groups may have a different experience at a conference than their peers. As a high profile provider of genomics-focussed life science conferences, Wellcome Connecting Science is committed to ensuring that our events are as inclusive as possible. Here we summarise the findings of a project to explore the experiences of minoritised groups, with a focus on race and ethnicity, and discuss how we are seeking to improve access and inclusion at our conferences.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputWellcome Connecting Science Open Research
PublisherWellcome Open Research
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2024


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