Face De-Identification with Perfect Privacy Protection

Li Meng, Zongji Sun

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The rising concern for privacy protection and the associated legal and social responsibilities have led to extensive research into the field of face de-identification over the last decade. To date, the most successful algorithms developed for face de-identification are those based on the k-Same de-identification, which guarantee a recognition rate lower than 1/k. However, the current k-Same solutions such as k-Same-Eigen and k-Same-M all rely on a decent value of k to deliver a good privacy protection. This paper proposes a departure from a fundamental aspect shared by the current k-Same solutions and thereby introduces a new member to the family which achieves perfect privacy protection for any original face regardless of the value of k.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2014
Event37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - Grand hotel Adriatic, Opatija, Croatia
Duration: 26 May 201430 May 2014


Conference37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics


  • Biometrics


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