Today, valuation has become an integral part of financial management. In determining the value of the firm, the company's growth potential, risk profile, cash generation power as well as many other factors are taken into consideration. Valuation plays a critical role in a firm's issuance or repurchase, a potential acquisition, investment in a firm, or decision-making on any investment. On the other hand, the increase in the efficiency of the capital markets and the diversification of the products traded in these markets accelerated the circulation of stocks and other financial assets, which increased the importance of the valuation concept.
In the valuation of the firm, not only the past financial performance but also the future expectations are taken into consideration. In this context, the purpose of the firm appraisal is to identify the best firms in the sectors with strong expectations for the future period. In addition, firm value can be considered as a function of future cash generation power.
In the valuation of the firm, not only the past financial performance but also the future expectations are taken into consideration. In this context, the purpose of the firm appraisal is to identify the best firms in the sectors with strong expectations for the future period. In addition, firm value can be considered as a function of future cash generation power.
Translated title of the contribution | Company Valuation |
Original language | Other |
Place of Publication | Istanbul |
Publisher | Avcıol Publications |
Number of pages | 374 |
Edition | 2 |
ISBN (Print) | 978-605-377-158-6 |
Publication status | Published - 10 Jan 2009 |