Free Vibration, Mechanical and Damping Properties of Woven Jute FRP Composites with the Effect of Stacking Arrangements

S. Senthilrajan, N. Venkateshwaran , R. Nagarajan, S. O. Ismail, P. Sivaranjana, Suchart Siengchin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Currently, the demand for vibration damping, lightweight and environmentally friendly material is increasing in automotive and aerospace sectors. Due to this quest, the use of eco-friendly fibrous material has gained importance for its use as a reinforcement in polymeric matrix composite. Therefore, in this present investigation, woven jute fiber mats or layers were added to pure polyester resin to form various composite samples, using compression molding technique. Five different samples were fabricated: neat polyester resin plate and 2–5 woven jute/polyester composites, denoted as NPRP, 2WJPC, 3WJPC, 4WJPC and 5WJPC samples, respectively. The natural frequencies and viscoelastic behaviours of the various samples were examined by free vibration test. From the free vibration test, both natural frequencies and damping factors were obtained. From the results obtained, it was evident that 4WJPC sample exhibited the maximum natural frequencies of 32.96, 231.9 and 659.2 Hz under modes I, II and III, respectively. Also, the natural frequency of 4WJPC sample was 40% higher than that of NPRP. Therefore, it was evident that the addition of woven jute fiber mat has a significant and good influence on the composite natural frequency. Comparison between experimental and theoretical analysis was carried out and found closely related with each other. Applicably, woven jute fiber mat reinforced polyester composite can be used as a vibration absorbing material (damper), low cost and efficient engineering structure.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFiber Reinforced Polymeric Materials and Sustainable Structures
EditorsS. B. Singh, M. Gopalarathnam, V. K. R. Kodur, V. A. Matsagar
Place of PublicationSingapore
PublisherSpringer Nature
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)978-981-19-8979-7
ISBN (Print)978-981-19-8978-0
Publication statusPublished - 26 Feb 2023

Publication series

NameComposites Science and Technology
ISSN (Electronic)2662-1827


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