From crisis to choice: Managing change in shrinking cities

Hans Schlappa, Uwe Ferber

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

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This article builds on the results of an URBACT project aimed at reviewing and assessing contemporary practice in dealing with urban shrinkage and demographic change (Schlappa and Neill 2013). We examine the generic aspects of
developing realistic perspectives on strategic development options for shrinking cities and provide an example of good practice in taking a strategic approach towards land-use management. We argue that realistic forward strategy must
come from within the resources of a shrinking city and be based on an acceptance that socio-economic development is an inherently evolutionary and cyclical process of change.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationLocal Land and Soil News
PublisherEuropean Land and Soil Alliance
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2013


  • urban shrinkage
  • land cycle management
  • strategy cycle
  • de-growth


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