Fully automatic worst-case execution time analysis for MATLAB/Simulink models

Raimund Kirner, R. Lang, G Freiberger, P. Puschner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

34 Citations (Scopus)
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In today's technical world (e.g., in the automotive industry), more and more purely mechanical components get replaced by electro-mechanical ones. Thus the size and complexity of embedded systems steadily increases. To cope with this development, comfortable software engineering tools are being developed that allow a more functionality-oriented development of applications. The paper demonstrates how worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis is integrated into such a high-level application design and simulation tool MATLAB/Simulink-thus providing a higher-level interface to WCET analysis. The MATLAB/Simulink extensions compute and display worst-case timing data for all blocks of a MATLAB/Simulink simulation, which gives the developer of an application valuable feedback about the correct timing of the application being developed. The solution facilitates a fully-automated WCET analysis, i.e., in contrast to existing approaches the programmer does not have to provide path information.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIn: 14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)0-7695-1665-3
Publication statusPublished - 2002
Event14th Euromicro Conference on Real Time Systems (EUROMICRO RTS 2002) - VIENNA
Duration: 19 Jun 200221 Jun 2002


Conference14th Euromicro Conference on Real Time Systems (EUROMICRO RTS 2002)


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