Glacial Geomorphological map of the central Southern Uplands, Scotland.

Danielle Pearce, Brice Rea, Tom Bradwell, Derek McDougall

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    The Quaternary glacial history of the Tweedsmuir Hills, Central Southern Uplands, Scotland, has received little attention since the 1980s, with earlier studies focussing on single lines of geomorphic evidence in isolated valleys. This study presents the first systematic glacial geomorphological assessment of the region, covering approximately 300 km2 with the map designed to be presented at A0. Mapping from remotely sensed imagery and field investigation reveal a large number of moraines and meltwater channels, both within valleys and occasionally extending to the plateau, alongside a range of peri- and para-glacial features, including solifluction lobes, alluvial fans, debris cones, river terraces and rock slope failures. Aspects of the mapped geomorphology are consistent with plateau icefield landsystems mapped elsewhere in Britain and this will hopefully form the basis for palaeoglaciological reconstructions which will improve our understanding of the extent and dynamics of former ice masses in the region.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)458-465
    Number of pages9
    JournalJournal of Maps
    Issue number3
    Early online date5 Feb 2014
    Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2014


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