Heat transfer optimisation using novel biomorphic pin-fin heat sinks: An integrated approach via design for manufacturing, numerical simulation, and machine learning

Mohammad Harris, Hongwei Wu, Anastasia Angelopoulou, Wenbin Zhang, Zhuohuan Hu, Yongqi Xie

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With the availability of advanced manufacturing techniques, non-conventional shapes and bio-inspired/biomorphic designs have shown to provide more efficient heat transfer. Consequently, this research investigates the heat transfer performance and fluid flow characteristics of novel biomorphic scutoid pin fins with varying volumes and top geometries. Numerical simulations were conducted using four hybrid designs for Reynolds Number 5500 - 13500. The impact of pin fin 'top' geometrical features on the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) was evaluated by combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD), experimental data, and machine learning. The results highlighted that the new pin fins saved 6.3% to 14.3% volume/material usage but produced around 1.5 to 1.7 times more heat transfer than conventional square/rectangular fins. Also, manipulating pin fins via the top geometrical properties can lead to more uniform velocity and temperature distributions while demonstrating the potential for increased thermal efficiency with reduced thermal resistance. Furthermore, six machine learning models accurately predict HTC using volume and surface area as key variables, achieving less than 5% mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Overall, this research introduces innovative biomorphic designs with unconventional geometries, emphasising resource optimisation and efficient HTC prediction using machine learning. It simplifies design processes, supports agile product development, calls for re-evaluation of conventional heat sink geometries, and provides promising directions for future research.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102606
Pages (from-to)1-21
Number of pages21
JournalThermal Science and Engineering Progress
Early online date1 May 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 May 2024


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