Heavy metal contamination in sediments from different recreational reservoir catchments in Poland

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Numerous studies have demonstrated that metals and metalloids are preferentially scavenged from the surface water by adsorption on oxides or clay minerals or by forming complexes with organic ligands. Once scavenged from the water column, contaminants associated with suspended particles are deposited when the water current is no longer sufficient to sustain the transport of these particles. Therefore, in many environmental studies, sediments are frequently referred as a “reservoir” or a “sink” for both inorganic and organic contaminants, and are considered as good monitoring tools to evaluate general pollution episodes. This article shows a comparative analysis of occurrence and concentration of heavy metals in bottom sediment samples collected from three different types of six recreational water reservoirs located in Poland: agricultural catchment (Jeziorsko, and Barycz Reservoirs), industrial catchment (Dzierzno Duze, and Pogoria III Reservoirs) and urbanized catchment (Tyniec, and Przylasek Rusiecki Reservoirs). The study revealed considerable variation in the chemical composition of bottom sediments. Different catchment areas can greatly modify contamination rate in the water reservoirs. The deviations from geochemical background standards detected in the bottom sediments at the reservoirs located close to industrial areas and urban built-up areas or communication infrastructure, point out an environmental change and the dynamic evolution of anthropogenic reservoirs as ecosystems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)375-381
JournalInternational Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: Water Resources. Forest, Marine and Ocean Ecosystems
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • heavy metals
  • recreational reservoirs
  • sediments contamination


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